Rules of Superbuteo
Superbuteo is a soccer game for 2 people and per turns. There are some similarities with subbuteo or cap soccer. The aim of the game is scoring more goals than your opponent.
On their turn each player counts on a maximum time to make all the moves wanted while there is the movement bar. This bar diminishes as long as the moves are made.
Turn time remaining and movement bar.
Each piece can only be moved once per turn. Once a piece is moved, it is not possible to move it again until the following turn.
The game finishes when the match time (established by the master) finishes. As in soccer, the game is divided into 2 parts.
The field
The field is very similar to a soccer field. There are 2 different fields that can be selected on the table options.
Big field (traditional)
The field is limited by the touchlines and the goal lines.
(A) Touchline (B) Penalty area (C) Goal area (D) Goal line (E) Offside area
- There are throw-ins, goal and corner kicks (see below), but the ball can bound on the outside edges located out of the field.
- The offside area is considerably smaller and it covers the game area from the goal line to the offside line (transversal line that divides each field)
- No pieces are allowed to be on any of the two goal lines except the goalkeepers (if a piece goes inside a goal area, it will be automatically placed on its perimeter).
Small field
Although the field is the same as the previous one, it does not have an outside zone. The ball can bound where there were the touchlines before.
Therefore, there are not throw-ins, corner or goal kicks.
Rules of Superbuteo
A very important point in Superbuteo is to understand that many rules are not applied until the ball is stopped. For example, touchline is only blown for if the ball is stopped out of the field.
Throw-ins, goal and corner kicks (only big field)
If the ball is stopped out of the field on a player’s turn, the turn is passed to the opponent and that player can perform a throw-in in his/her favor.
- If the last line crossed by the ball was the touchline, the opponent will perform a throw-in.
- The throw-in will be made exactly where the ball arose on the field.
- The closest piece will perform the throw-in.
- If one of the pieces is too close to the throw-in point, it will be moved away.
- If the last line the ball crossed was the opponent’s goal line, that player will perform a goal kick .
- The piece that performs the kickoff will be the closest to that point.
- The other pieces will be replaced on the field according to the formations chosen, except if the table option “catch the ball” is enabled.
- If the last line the ball crossed was its own goal line, the opponent will perform a corner kick.
- The corner will be taken on the closest corner of the field where the ball was driven off.
- The other rules of a throw-in will be obeyed.
Transfer to the goalkeeper
The goalkeeper can catch the ball if it is stopped inside its goal area. If the player performs a pass to his/her own goalkeeper, a transfer will be called, and the player will miss the turn and all the pieces and the ball will return to the positions they were in before the turn.
Fouls, cards and penalty (optional)
It is considered a foul when a piece hits violently another one or several opposite pieces, except if the ball was touched before.
- If a player makes a foul, he/she will miss the turn and the pieces will return to the positions they were in before the turn.
- According to the seriousness of the foul, it is possible to caution the player with the card. If the card is red, the player will lose a piece. Two yellow cards correspond to a red card.
- If a player makes a foul against the opponent on his/her penalty area, a penalty will be called and the player will miss his/her turn.
Offside (optional)

This is undoubtedly the most complicated rule of the game. A player will be in an offside position (marked with an icon) if:
- Is enabled inside the opponent’s offside area.
- it is closer to the opponent’s goal line than the ball and the last opponent’s piece (disregarding the goalkeeper)
Offside will be called if:
- Another one of your pieces hits the ball toward the opponent’s goal .
- The ball is stopped behind the last defense piece.
- Penalization:
- If a player is offside, he/she will miss the turn and the opponent will perform a free kick in the position where the piece was offside.
- It is not considered an infraction:
- if a goal is scored, the ball is driven off the field, is caught by the goalkeeper or if a foul is made (or any other infraction that gives the turn back to the opponent). Offside will not be called from a throw-in or from a corner.
The active pieces are indicated with a green or orange circle.
To move a piece, click on it and drag the mouse. To place a piece over the one you already clicked on, place the cursor on it again and drop the mouse button. The piece will remain active.
If you keep the Control key on the PC or the Command key on Mac pressed, you can give effect to the throwing.
You can use the edges of the field to bounce.
Catch the ball (optional)
If a piece is close enough to the ball, it can “catch” it. This action is similar to a throw-in or a corner kick, although other close pieces can hinder the shot.
The piece and the ball are marked with an orange circle indicating they can be caught.
Goalkeeper control
The goalkeeper is moved automatically, but you can control it clicking on it and dragging the mouse. Until the opponent does not make any moves, the goalkeeper will not move to the position indicated.
The goalkeeper is moved faster if it is controlled by the player.
If your goalkeeper catches the ball, move the cursor to guide it and click to perform a kickoff. Depending on the size of the red arrows, the shot will be more or less powerful.
Change of camera.
You can change the point of view of the game at any time pressing the keys:
- 1 Camera located on the touchline
- 2 Television camera
- 3 Superior camera
- 4 Local goal camera
- 5 Visitor goal camera
- 6 General fixed camera. Press several times to change the point of view.
Other keys
- A Leave the game
- Enter ↵ Enable the chat. To chat, write the text and press this key again.
- F Change the formation
- Space bar Pass the turn
- T Change to a full screen
Table options
- Time per turn (15 seg. - 1 min.)
- Determines the time per turn each player has to make their moves.
- Game length (10 min. - 45 min.)
- Determines the total time of the game. Each half will be played in half of the time established.
- Big field
- Determines if the big field (traditional) or the small field (with no offside) are used.
- Call offside / Call fouls
- Enables these options of the game rules.
- Catch the ball
- This game variation allows one of the pieces to catch the ball if it is close enough. This way it is possible to perform linked passes and more precise shots. The process of shots is similar to a throw-in.
- Penalty shootout if it ends in a tie
- If the game ends in a tie, it is possible to perform a penalty shootout to break the tie. The shootout is probably 5. If there is a tie again, taking penalty kicks goes on until one of the players fails.
Ranking for points
To take part in the leaderboard of this game, it is necessary to be registered and have chips enough to meet the bets.
To score points, the games have to be competitive (indicated by a boxing glove or swords). There is no scoring if 2 players at the table share the same IP.
The scoring of this game is based on the Elo system, which determines the power of a player. The points when winning, tying or losing a game depend on the scoring of the opponent. at the most 30 points are added or subtracted.
Example 1: if both players have the same points, the winner will receive 15 points and the loser will lose 15.
Example 2: if a player with 2000 points beats another one with 1000, there is no alteration on the scoring. Otherwise, if the second player won the game, he/she would receive 30 points (and the opponent would lose 30)
- The scoreless ties will not be considered (it is recommended to enable the table option “Penalty shootout if it ends in a tie”)
- If a player leaves, he/she will lose the game and can be penalized with 20 points. In any cases, the opponent will be the winner if more than 3 minutes of the game pass.
Monthly Elo leaderboard
Every month an Elo leaderboard will be started with 1000 points for each player, independently on the general scoring. That is, a player can score 1 point on his/her general Elo (record) and 30 on his/her monthly Elo.
General leaderboard
The general leaderboard is determined by the Elo scoring accumulated from the moment the player started to play.